It is no secret that sex is a need for our lives. But as much as it is a truth, it is also considered taboo still. 

Sexual health is part of the big sphere of holistic health, so it should not be ignored or overlooked. On the contrary, it requires preventive measures and healthy lifestyle habits for your complete well-being.

Unfortunately, just as the heart gets sick, the reproductive organs also get sick, with serious consequences in sexual life that can negatively affect your or your partner’s self-esteem.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of the diseases that frequently compromises sex, whether due to anxiety, medication, or cardiovascular problems. It is always a difficult issue to address, as men who suffer from it tend to hide it for a long time, affecting their sex life even more.

It is understandable. Feeling that your virility disappears just for not getting an erection when you want is a blow to your mind, but if we told you that there are natural ways to prevent and improve it, would you do them anyway? 

Find out below some natural, quick, and easy ways to prevent and improve ED symptoms.

Getting to the heart of the matter

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to have or maintain an erection firm enough for fully satisfactory sexual intercourse. Side effects of medications such as antidepressants, cardiovascular diseases, or simply nervousness are some of their causes.

According to the largest European population-based study of aging men, ED becomes more prevalent with age, but not because it is directly related to aging. 

Experts have considered ED to be an early or ''premonitory'' sign of cardiovascular problems, being more common in men with high blood pressure. This condition is often age-related due to years of bad habits or genetics. So the earlier addressed, the better. 

Although this is a fact, many healthy young men also experience erectile dysfunction, usually due to psychological factors such as anxiety, depression, or when taking certain medications.

In short, ED is mainly caused by four reasons: psychological factors, vascular injuries, medications, and hormonal imbalances. But is it preventable and reversible?

Yes. It is completely preventable if you act timely. In some cases, it is reversible when the cause is addressed. Still, in chronic diseases such as high blood pressure where there is non-reversible damage, it may not be enough to treat the underlying cause, and you may need to take further action such as those explained below. 

Five ways to naturally overcome ED

Whether you want to prevent or take action on your diagnosis, these five easy ways can help you with both:

  1. Stay active

One of the most influential risk factors in the development of high blood pressure is a sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle promotes weight gain, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as muscle deterioration. 

Walking, running, or doing a hobby that involves physical activity can help you fight all of the above. According to a study, lack of exercise is an important risk factor for any chronic disease, not just high blood pressure. To prevent erectile dysfunction, you should exercise at least 30 minutes a day, whether moderate or vigorous. 

  1. Quit smoking. It's not too late.

According to experts, the longer you smoke, the more likely you will have erectile dysfunction, as there is a positive dose-response relationship between the two (the higher the dose, the higher the risk of ED). 

It's never too late to curb the habit. You don't have to stop it now completely, but you will have the big quit only with small quits. 

  1. Drink just a little to feel happy, but do not overdo it.

Drinking too much alcohol does not only make you feel bad the next day. It also leads to a series of not-so-fun health consequences.

According to one study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine, those who heavily drink or have more than four drinks per day have higher blood lipid levels (which helps with high blood pressure) and decreased penile blood flow, vital for a proper erection.

If you are going to drink, do it modestly just to enjoy the moment, and if it is wine, even better.

  1. Eat a well-balanced diet.

Although we are not really what we eat, what we eat does influence our health. And not so much what we eat as such, but how we eat.

Let's put it this way: According to a study by the University of Ottawa, just one serving of fruits/vegetables a day can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction by 10%. 

You may think it's not so much, but if a small intervention like that can make a big change, imagine what eating healthy several times a day can achieve.

Of course, this doesn't mean that you have to be a fitness person overnight. We recommend eating healthy according to your metabolism and your daily pace. Not for chasing a weight or a body prototype. 

You can also include some natural supplements based on L-Arginine, Ginseng, or Ginkgo as they stimulate blood inflow to the penis. 

Remember ''all that is good and useful, if carried to extremes, may become -and beyond a certain limit is bound to become- bad and injurious.''

  1. Go for regular health check-ups.

If you have relatives with high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, or any chronic condition, you must attend regular medical check-ups to prevent them or avoid their progression.

Pay attention to your vascular health, as well as your waistline. An expanding waistline due to weight gain is closely related to metabolic problems and obesity, which negatively affect erectile function and cause dysfunction.

Do not delay medical consultation.

These are the main preventive and helpful measures to improve your performance in bed and your sex life. Not to mention that the better your habits, the better your blood testosterone levels. 

Psychological support is also part of it and consists of treating anxiety and depression, as both can cause and worsen erectile dysfunction.

If you think you have ED but are struggling with the fear of diagnosis, don't worry. You'd be surprised at how many men have ED, just a few talk about it. Fortunately, this condition has a good prognosis and quite effective treatment today. Consult as soon as possible and improve your quality of life.


Online Treatment for ED at Doko MD

Get erectile dysfunction pills online, starting at $1/pill with FREE shipping. You can select Generic (Sildenafil or Tadalafil) or Branded Viagra and Cialis. Our U.S. board-certified doctors are available for consultation.


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